CANdace Durand certified hypnotherapist
Introspective Hypnosis
QHTT Hypnosis
Kappas Hypnotherapy

Now offering Soul realignment.
Soul realignment is a trade marked modality that stands alone. Offering Hypnosis for stress, quit smoking, Past lifes with therapy and healings, and more.
I would like a 24-hour cancellation, notice.
I prepare for each session, and I put hours into some requests. It leaves holes in my day that I can fill up if you only give me an hour or if you only give a short notice of cancellation...
Events don’t affect you, what affects you are the feelings you attach to them. You can change the feelings and the meaning of any event.
I 'll send a brochure just text me for one.
QHTT is not the end-all of therapy but it is beginning to allow them to start healing. You are a complicated Soul. The body may not trust what the Soul self will tell it. The ego may be still in fear or the body in fear. It takes many listening of your recordings to understand what the quiet Soul was telling you, or the Guides, or the animals. You are getting a gift.
Stop smoking is a also gift to your soon-to-be healthy body. You got trapped and duped into submission to the slave driver Nicotine, and tobacco companies.
Weight loss is ok if you really commit to the process. One session will not be enough for you. You have told yourself it ok to eat the ice cream cone many times. did that work?
Soul realignment
This is a way of helping one know oneself better without hypnosis or without. It is an Akashic record reading.
In the first established reading, you get to know what planetary system your soul originated in.
What planet system is like as in personalities developed there?
What type of soul you are?
What you have not resolved in karma or negative blocks.
Spirit Guides Count positive and negative.
Negative thought forms you have made.
General life lessons you came to learn.
Past life negative and Archetypal blocks you still have.
After you have healed all this, you can go one to level two
Finding out what type of Manifesting type of person you are some future things that may happen and working with intentions.