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Internet Hypnosis, on

Doing a internet session

One needs a camera on their computer and a good sounding head set microphone. The computer needs to be set up near your resting area so the camera lens is on your face. The session should be done on a site like zoom, it is a more reliable than Skype (the sound is better). Zoom is a paid site. I pay for the ability to use it, is free to you to use it. The person being interviewed needs to be sure that you are safe and comfortable. If you need the restroom during the session it will be ok to use the restroom. You will be ok and protected. Make sure you have the quiet time free of people and distractions for 4 or more hours. If connection is lost you will be under hypnosis to reconnect and you will go back under. Qhht does not recommend this but Introspective Hypnosis does. It is up to you to do a session I recommend to have a pc and a program to record the session. does record the session.

Using a phone to do this is not recommend the window is too small, an iPad tip is better.

Please make sure you go on zoom and check if your speaker works as well as the camera ear phone and head set. ZOOM, will show you how to check the speaker and camera video. turn on your sound as you come on line.

Place the screen so I can see the face close up. I need to hear you clearly and see you clearly. Mainly the eyes I'm looking for and their movements. A good head set is needed to hear you.

What I do on my end is set up the meeting on and send an invite to you. Read the invite and see the password I gave you, just log on the site's address that is highlighted. If you don't get this please make sure I know that factoid i will send it again. I will have 4 ours log out for this session typically it takes about 2 hours or so.

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